Monday, September 19, 2011

Post Miss USA 2011

                           One thing is for certain, time does not stand still.  After my incredible 4 weeks in NYC and Las Vegas for Miss USA, I returned home and immediately got ready to travel to my next adventure, a Mizzou Study Abroad to The Netherlands, Belgium, and France. I spent a month studying for my Senior Capstone course, Developing the Dynamics of Democracy. Not only did I learn a lot--it was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had.

                   Upon my return in August it was Back-to-School time! As I have traveled around the state this year speaking to schools, one of my main focus areas has been the importance of education and learning. I participated in Chi Omega recruitment and rush activities on the campus of the University of Missouri in Columbia.  Our main philanthropic fund raiser supports the Make-A-Wish Foundation. It is such a great organization to be involved in & Chi Omega has done amazing work through the Make-A-Wish Foundation partnership.  We were able to grant three wishes in the Columbia area; one in particular to an adorable little boy named Luke who wanted to go on a dream vacation to Disney World:)

I was also fortunate to have the opportunity to go back to Joplin, MO. Several months after the May 22 tornado which killed 160 and injured hundreds more, I went back to do what I could to continue the rebuilding effort there. I joined the group of almost 700 volunteers, led by my friend, Dr. Neil Riley and the Columbia Rotarians, picking up debris as the clean up goes on. The pride of the whole state and country is represented in Joplin where massive improvements have been made since I was there with Farouk Shami (owner of CHI products) in late May handing out beauty supplies to shop owners who had lost everything.  Since that horrible natural disaster, there have been over 47,000 volunteers in Joplin and even though much progress has been made, more work is needed. I urge everyone to go there and volunteer to finish the clean up and rebuilding. It is an amazing journey and amazing people. I am so proud to be a Missourian.

                    On September 2, I traveled to Kansas City where I had my VanBros and Associates photo shoot for the Miss Missouri USA 2012 program book. It is always wonderful to work with Will Patterson, photographer, and Lisa Proctor, make up artist, and the rest of my support team. Of course, I made a stop by Sassy Chic where the amazing Ashley Litton and Danielle Bounds selected cocktail dresses for me to wear in the shoot. I am so lucky to have such wonderful sponsors and friends.  Even when my reign as Miss Missouri USA is over, I will always shop for my dresses at Sassy Chic :)

It was also great to work with Allyce King Swimwear, meet Allyce, and model her fantastic swimwear! I love her glamorous designs and my amazing director, John, had selected jewelry and accessories to go with each swimsuit.  

I have so much to be thankful for as I think about my year as Miss Missouri USA 2011 & time at Miss USA 2011 and I look forward to finding out what the future has in store for me:)

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