Friday, June 24, 2011

Miss USA 2011

It is so surreal that Miss USA 2011 is over. Throughout my reign I have been busy traveling, making appearances, and preparing for the national pageant. Now that I am home from a three week whirlwind in New York City and Vegas-- all I can do is look back on the incredible experience that I was fortunate to have.

Arriving in Las Vegas wearing my Miss Missouri sash three weeks ago I had no idea how Miss USA 2011 would completely change my life. Each and every single day was filled with a photoshoot, an appearance at a pool or restaurant, an event with one of our amazing sponsors, a charity event, dinner party, or night club appearance. All of that combined with rehearsals made for one busy trip that went by way too fast.

Upon arrival and registration, we immediately had our high fashion photoshoot with the world famous photographer, Fadil Berisha. All of the photos turned out gorgeous and fierce!

The Miss USA pageant has a long history of partnering with the Best Buddies Organization and we had so much fun getting to meet some of the kids in Las Vegas. My lil buddy Terrill showed us all some dance moves and dress tips :) I think all of the contestants agreed that this day was one of the most special events we got to take part in.

 We went up in the Paris Eiffel Tower for a magnificent view of the city and all got to sport our Chinese Laundry wedges :)

The Red Carpet Welcome event really kicked off the competition when we all got to officially introduce ourselves to the public and crowds of Las Vegas.

Another amazing event involved long time sponsors, OPI. The contestants got to reveal the new 2011 Miss Universe Collection at OPI's unveiling ceremony. I got to sparkle in "Crown me, Already".

Prelim Competition got me in to the top 16 for finals airing live on NBC June 19th

I am proud to say that I made top 16 semifinals in the 2011 Miss USA pageant. I was even more proud when I found out that the public viewers voted me #4 during the swimsuit compeition :)

I owe it all to my amazing friends and family (who by the way were the largest cheering section in the entire theater) who have been supporting me this entire year. As the winner was being announced all I could hear was the loud "M I Z - Z O U" chant that brought tears to my eyes and a smile to my face. I love you guys.

Even more important than all of the amazing events and appearances I got to experience in Vegas, I made some of the best friends I could ever ask for. These incredible women and I share a bond that is unlike any other... we are the 2011 Class of Miss USA and I know that some of our friendships will last a lifetime.

I am moving on to the next chapter of my life soon and I know I wouldn't be half the woman I am today without having experienced Miss USA 2011. The people I have met, knowledge I have gained, and experiences I have taken part in mean the absolute world to me. I am truly blessed.

Forever and always your Miss Missouri USA 2011

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