Friday, April 29, 2011

Chi Omega Make-A-Wish

I had the wonderful opportunity of visiting my sisters in Chi Omega back on Mizzou's campus last night. The Rho Alpha chapter of Chi Omega partners with The Make-A-Wish Foundation and every year grants a wish to as many children as possible in the community. Last night, Chi Omega granted one special little boy, Luke, his wish of a trip to Disney World through the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

The women of Chi Omega, Truman the Tiger, and I had such a fun night celebrating Luke and his wish come true :)


  1. How awesome is that?! Congratulations Chi Omega! So happy to call you all sisters!

  2. This is so awesome! Theta Theta had the opportunity to host a wish party a few weeks ago and I can confidently say it was one of my favorite Chi Omega memories!
